Originally Posted by JayStar
I didn't say that wasn't my opinion, clearly it's my opinion. I just said that wasn't my only opinion. I'd be like declaring Einstein a creationist because he talks about God.
Additional thoughts on the matter don't make this one any less representative of your incredibly simplistic thought processes and conclusions.
Originally Posted by JaySTar
But it does... much of quantum theory is devoted to explaining the origins of our universe.
That's not quite right, in the same way that the theory of gravity is not "devoted" to explaining the movements of planets. Regardless, none of physics more than touches on philosophical questions. To postulate that quantum mechanics somehow explains its own existence is absurd.
Originally Posted by JayStar
So it seems that these penguins have "moved on". Perhaps conclusions of an animal's sexuality can be concluded by studying penguins in captivity. If that's the case, then I suppose we can conclude the sexuality is a choice. I mean, that seems apparent here doesn't it? One of the penguins decided to move on. In other words, decided to become heterosexual after being homosexual.
I'm sorry, did you just argue that a penguin made a conscious, cognizant choice, and that therefore this supports the idea that homosexuality is a conscious, cognizant choice?
Not to mention that animals are typically bisexual, not homosexual, and that there are MANY other gay penguins.
I'll just repeat myself until you acknowledge this: Indeed, then it would be "logical" to conclude that homosexuality is not a conscious choice, since animals do not make conscious choices. As such, judging them for this, or putting some insidious label of "unnatural" on them would be both unfair and "illogical."
Oh, and consider that your entire objection for homosexuality is "it's different."