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I honestly am tired of all the petty fighting. Sony isnt your mother and they dont love you, they are simply pandering to 'gamers' desire to bitch about having to spend money. Honestly the way the CEO's are acting is childish, their biggest crowd moment was when they said 'lol xbox dun like used ga3ms'. They are selling their product on the it's not as bad as xbox and not because it's an awesome console. This is one of the first times i've seen a large company feed a console war and i honestly expect it to lead to their down fall. Games on the ps4 will have more online codes because the developers are the people actually in control DRM. If any of you had read the press releases that Microsoft has put out you'd know that they don't choose what titles are covered by DRM.

Originally Posted by pusga View Post
you do need to pay for online in ps4 but still ps+ has free games every month

Xbox gold members receive two every month as well as the price for ps+ being on the same level as gold

Also please tell me that other people noticed how the ps4 they were performing the demos on froze multiple times during the stream. It strikes me as a problem if the console has issues with playing games.

I do admit to being a fan of the One, it has an incredible list of exclusive games and the hardware is pretty sweet. I feel like that Microsoft is being incredibly open about what they are doing and i don't mind paying more for my games if they are going to be of that quality. That being said i already pre-ordered mine yesterday so i'll be sure to let people know how the experience is. I'm hyped though i expect the one to be incredible.
Now with 100% less angst