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The next stage of evolution and human rights
The internet is a very powerful tool and needs to be defended and used consciously. It made us "hyper-comunicating" : we're on the edge to be able to share free culture, ideas and knowledge, instantly and on a world wide scale, regardless of the old nationalist boundaries, religions and colors. Like synapses linking areas of the brain together.
Communication is important, we've taken it to a point A LOT of our old ideas and conception of politic, economics and nationalist ideas are now obsolete.

After the Edward Snowden affair, revealing the existence of PRISM, a "tool" the US government currently uses, a tool able to spy on any mean of communication without any restrictions nor democratic control (google it if you haven'd heard of it, it's very important to know) ; we know we'll have to act and defend our rights in order to evolve as a free and conscious specy.

Without the internet we probably would never hear about the following videos I'm about to share, its content being entirely accurate or not isn't the point. It's an important event and a first on the politic scene, even more as it might be true.

Watch it until the end because he finishes on a very wise note.

We need to prepare ourselves to break with the old customs, because we can, because we have to ! if we ever want our future generation to live a descent life.
We presently know that the actual economic system is the hugest scam ever made, the crysis are man made, our lives suffer the consequences of decisions taken by men holding the ressources and power into their hands... because that's what a world irrationaly based on money does : the richer people decide, and we comply, the richer people shape, and we adapt.

I know this is some hard informations to proceed, because daily life and its issues keep us from seeing the history happening, but history happens "everyday over a few year". I can assure you our actual technology and knowledge is bringing us to a crucial point of our evolution, just be aware. Select your informations, think about them, doubt about the mass media, learn and be respectful.

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Edit : just to make things clear, I'm not supporting ALL of what the honourable old man says, but I'm in a very Sci-Fi mood lately. And I thought it was a cool vidz with cool points to start a discussion about the present state of humanity if we replace ourselves humbly in the universe ;o
Last edited by deprav; Jun 14, 2013 at 07:51 AM.