[rb] Mafia :: Europe :: Game 1
The sun rose...
Weird rumours have reached a little town, which was always living a quiet and safe life - all this time there was a small group of criminals among them. Their actions wasn't really noticeable, until now...They're trying to take over the town.
Town's detective was sitting in his chair when he heard the rumours. However, those were not a surprise for him, he knew that something was wrong for quite awhile now.
- So "The game" begins. - He quietly said to himself.
Some things you should know:
8 Citizens
2 Gangsters
Irc Channel:
I will only send PMs to those who got roles with special abilities.
So, if you haven't received anything, that means you are a citizen.
The winning side will share the prize of 50.000 TC and get unique achievements.
The first day have started.
Good luck.