My suggestion list
My Suggestion list
1. mod making in mp
this idea came from other games i have played and makes very fun to play with friends and collaborate your ideas really seamless. reference for this idea gmod and halo and tb's mod maker.
2. friends list needs to be updated more frequent
the friends list only load like every it seems and when you use ctrl b it will join a lobby that you create. maybe add a buddys list that will support and be on a db for steam and for forums friends and maybe be able to still access old buddy list so you dont lose friends in the process.
3. if you create a server you can create ded server aswell and be able to run lua script server-sided
i love lua coding and love gmod and tb so most of my ideas are from gmod but they are mostly about serverside things. in gmod you can make gamemode coding them in lua and change them like mods in tb so very much alike in functionallity but far as theme not much gmod you can run serverside hooks and things i thought that would be nice on tb and you would have more a comunitys on the game with deds then with p2p servers.
4. and if you could make server sided lua then be able to render 3d objects from scripts in serverside aswell
well the 3d objects in script like the script yoy made for belts could be made server sideed for a ded and not compiled along with the game could mean it would look ugly at first and then it would work in servers and not just mp but just using a well know script as an example
5.shadows update in realtime with ghost or in between frames with ghost like the idea for realtime updating for ghost
hampa made a statement about a update that he was gonna add realtime ghost on the interveiw with hax. it would be nice to have the shadows update as well or even a shadow ghost to add to the enviro. able to change the default sounds on the server side and set default shaders and atmos.
this would be awesome for tb for serverside and you all have an option to download customs from server side.
7. set mods and admins and owners a whitelist and a blacklist or banlist instead of setting an owner pass and pass for the server which can be guessed
this is a better way to have ppl with ranks instead of having a passwords for severside
8. make mods, scripts and replays accessible by steam workshop when TB is on steam servers of course
i would think this might happen anyway but thought to suggest it anyways since we are greenlit now
9. a mobile forums in the game along side the website here for the shop and market so it could be easliy accesible
this would be alittle overkill but you can add it to the main menu or something cause in my case my webbrowser crashes consent but i know this might happen to others
10. a refresh button for the multiplayer list
i know this has been this way for a while its annoying to join an empty p2p server that doesnt exist
11. being able to code bots on serverside
not be bond to clients but the server for deds when no one is on the ded server you can still play
12.have official server on unofficial dedicated servers
maybe staff or hampa can inspect them and and maybe the server needs a subscription or license or something
so you can have fun mods and community's can have fun with the game as a group kindof like a gmod community but tb groups or clan
ill add more later.
Last edited by T1G3R5H0T; Aug 31, 2013 at 04:52 AM.
Reason: still not done i hope i can add to this without it being spam