Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on titan) is a popular anime and manga series which gained an immeasurable amount of popularity from English-speaking fans due to the huge success of the anime in 2013. The game itself is made by Feng who is a chinese indie game developer.
The objective of this game is to kill all the titans! (The big pink guys shown in the following image)
They are immune to your attacks unless you strike them at the nape of their necks. "But how do I even get up there? They're huge!" You might question. Well, in this game you have a technology called '3D manoeuvre gear' which allows your character to swiftly transport themselves around the terrain. A bit like spiderman's webs!
The titans' weak spot shown in the picture below:
The controls:
The essential controls are:
WASD to move
Q,E to use your 3D manoeuvre gear's left and right parts
Space to fire both parts of your manoeuvre gear at once
Left mouse button to attack
Right mouse button to secondary attack (varies between characters)
SHIFT to jump
CTRL + W,A,S or D to dodge in the respective direction
Tips and tricks
The standard titans will always strike the right side of their chest and the back of their neck so it is wise to position yourself on the left side of their chest and move in for the kill whilst they're hitting the right side of their chest.
The aberrants (more intelligent than the standard titans) will try to belly-flop kill you so it is wise to get to a wall as fast as you can and do a jumping attack whilst they're on the ground after belly-flopping.
3D manoeuvre gear requires gas! You only have 1 tank so find the big yellow boxes to fill up on. They refill your entire tank so only use them when you're nearly empty.
Shown below: refill box
That's as much information I can give you off the top of my head so here is the link to the game:
If you wouldn't mind spending about 2 and a half minutes of your time watching a video I made of me going through the second level killing all the titans, that would be pretty awesome.
High quality avatars and signatures 5k each or 7k for bundles.