Originally Posted by
That's it. From now on I take the liberty of deleting and/or editing posts, so this place doesn't turn into a complete pile of shit. And it already stinks really badly.
Why can't we post more quality content?
Why can't we have decent(or at least understandable) grammar?
What the hell.
Fudgie, I'm having a trouble following the conversation as well, because every time I read this stuff my eyes start bleeding and I get a temporary memory loss. Thus, this place remained unmoderated.
Kakajade, you are one of the main reasons of that happening. Become better at English. It is an order.
Thats not an good idea , if we keep argue and you keep deleting the posts we still be mad . You need to help your members . You ar the boss , do your job man !
Anyway , i feel good today
Last edited by kakajade_old; Oct 4, 2013 at 08:18 PM.