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well the war on drugs hasn't worked, its a waste of my tax money arresting innocent people cos of what they do with their spare time. Look at history, America prohibited alcohol and it just got driven underground, funding organized criminals and making the whole affair more dangerous. They spent massive amounts of time and money hunting down Pablo Escobar and he has been repeatedly replaced by one coke baron after another ever since. I do think drugs should be controlled but outright banning them all is probably the worst way to reduce harm.

As far as cannabis goes im baffled as to why its still illegal. the British government are banging on about it causing mental health problems in a small proportion of users but whats that compared to the number of alcohol related deaths we have every weekend? Its just being used as a vote winning device at the minute, it just defies logic.. I think i might shut up before i go on a rant about politics hahaha.. more later :P
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