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(It's) Recruitment
Want to join Its? Simply make a free form app or Fill this app

Real Name(optional):
Belt(min:2 dan black(exceptions if passed ingame test or alts):
Forum Activity[1/10]:
Ingame Activity[1/10]:
Country & Timezone:
Past Clans:
If there are past clans. Why did u quit/get kicked?
Why Its( 2 lines min)??
Why would u bring to this clan??
A Little Paragraph About Your Self:
Fav mods:
2 multiplier replays+2 single player replays
PS:You Have to Include the word simba in your app
U will get rejected if u:
1. Didn't follow the rules of the app
2. Copy Someone else's app
3. get 3 no's
[size=4Got accepted?[/size]
If u got accepted ,Then u will be invited as a Trail member and we will test your activity/behavior for a week (or more if necessary )
Last edited by scorpionma; Apr 16, 2015 at 09:59 PM.
INB4 14 days ban