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[S] Just an old robot head
This is a head which I made absolutely ages ago, and only just got around to selling it due to procrastination.

Very image. Wow.

So yeah, the head there is in 256x, not 512x, so it is a bit more low quality.

No Previous Owners, the artist is me, I'm only accepting TC unless you can woo me with a item offer. Just offer what you think is reasonable for the head. I can do some recolouring, I suppose, for an extra 500tc. If you're really tight on a budget you can try and haggle that down too. The head is natively 512x but with auto resize. I probably won't ever go for any less than 750 tc.

Fine, I'll start at around 1k? Haggle if you please.
Last edited by rossbarker; Nov 25, 2013 at 08:37 AM.
| old boi | Cyri | Xioi | Chill | SparChar | Fatman | JackMorris |
"Go back in time and get it tomorrow" - Jack