[R] <50k+ forum pack :D
Howdy dur
Today I'm requesting for a Forum pack(Avvy/Sig/BgThingy) and I'm paying up to 50k+
What I would like:
I want it to be of my tori and the pose I want should be something similar to FatulBrown's avvy, but here's the catch c:. I would pay 50k+ for something simple like that, no, But I was it to be a larger on and I want my head to nod back and worth and possible have my elbow hand down and wabble or something creative I want it to be a really cool GIF with my tori and I'd like to have my name above that in rainbow colors that change and each letter goes out then back and then the next letter would go big and back, etc
and so on and so forth
So a cool gif with my tori doing something and my name doing that thing
Again I'm looking for a creative GIF for my sig and one again, you guessed it, have my name
Name should also be doing something cool again and I want my tori to be doing something cool, if you could do a render and make like an animation I'd love you for life I want two really cool GIFs in my Forum pack
BG thingy:
Really nothing specific just make it cool, one back ground I really like is Justin's, I like that scrammbled randomness of stuff so maybe go for something along them lines
No deadline
I love you all
Gorman pls
Have fun, looking forward to some neat things c:
(Note: I'll be keeping 50k on the account "NatejasBank" so my little disclaimer before hand, can't really trust my self with it on my main
Last edited by Natejas; Nov 19, 2013 at 06:50 AM.