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Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Firstly, yes there is discrimination against people for being white, rich, or heterosexual. Regardless as to what you perceive as being a reasonable or unreasonable amount, it happens. And personally I think all discrimination is bad.

When you look at the big picture of discrimination, the vast majority of it happens to people who are not white, heterosexual, rich people, and the vast majority of the serious discrimination occur against people who are not white, heterosexual, rich people. My argument is that the fact that occurs to those groups in small amounts is irrelevant to the fact that the vast majority of all cases do NOT occur to them.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I think you make some very unfair comparisons (and an unrealistic piece of fiction). For starters, obviously a lot of white people are rejected from jobs because the employer doesn't want to look like a racist. This is pretty common in all 1st world nations. I doubt a white with a record would be prioritized over a black without, people with records are far more discriminated against than either party.

22nd page. White man with a record had a 3% higher chance of being called back for an interview compared to a black man without a record.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
"systemic discrimination from my own government" is obviously a very localized statement, and unless you tell me more about your country I can't really respond. In Australia white people are also the victim of "systemic discrimination from our own government", so I can sympathize with the homosexuals in your country. We find it harder to receive state support, welfare, income support, pension, etc. I also can't access various support systems because regardless of my situation my parents worked hard enough to make the government assume that they will support me for life. And obviously all heterosexuals receive the unpleasant stereotype of being intolerant by default towards LGBT.

I can't say I know your government's system very well. However, welfare is often designed to benefit the groups who have suffered historically and are at a disadvantage in the modern day because of it. That being said, I'm in no way familiar with your welfare system, so I cannot adequately comment on it.

However, I can say it's a load of shit when you say all heterosexuals receive the stereotype of being intolerant by default. You only earn that little label when you do something to justify it. Every LGBT group I've worked with has been nothing but nice towards heterosexuals, because they recognize that not being nice to them does nothing to further their push for equal rights. If anything, every LGBT group I've worked with has had to been comforting and nice to heterosexuals who show any interest in the group because other people are often either openly or indirectly hostile towards heterosexuals who show any interest in being an LGBT ally. There's the weird assumption that by being OK with homosexual rights that you must be homosexual yourself, and that you're not capable of sympathizing with another group unless you are that group. If anything, the closest I've seen an LGBT group to being openly discriminatory to heterosexuals is plain cautiousness because of too many heterosexuals thinking that somehow every homosexual in the world is somehow attracted to them and that they'll get raped because of it.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Needless to say, if you think discrimination towards X group of people or based on Y attribute or situation doesn't exist or doesn't exist in 'non-negligible quantities' then you probably aren't looking very hard. And those cases that you think "oh it's negligible" probably don't feel negligible to those who have been discriminated against.

Here's the difference. I don't hear "you dumb cracker" as often as I hear "you dumb nigger". I don't hear "you fucking hetero" as much as I hear "you fucking homo". I don't hear "you rich snob" as much as I hear "you hobo". Again, it's not the fact that discrimination occurs, but upon whom the majority of it occurs to. And white, heterosexual, rich males are the least likely to be discriminated against out of every possible racial, economic, sexual demographic out there. And there's a term for this perceived perception of being discriminated against for being white. It's called white privilege, and it's something you wouldn't notice when you live in the circle of whiteness. You don't realize how much you take for granted until you see how little everybody else has to work with because they aren't white, because they aren't even middle class, let alone rich, because they aren't heterosexual.
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