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Originally Posted by Soap View Post
Saying something is terrible cannot be a fact. That is an opinion.

"music that is great" There's another opinion. What if I enjoy Dubstep? I consider some of that music great. It doesn't necessarily invoke strong emotions, but it's enjoyable to listen to. That's the bottom line. What is enjoyable for you to listen to? It doesn't matter what-so-ever how it go to be, how it was before, or what it will be. When you're listening to music, and you find yourself tapping your foot, rocking your head, generally enjoying the music; That's all that matters.

You're trying to say that the music I like is bad. I like the music you like, I enjoy it quite a lot. I'm not saying your music is bad, so there's no need to go on about how it's great. All I'm trying to say is that music that makes people happy is good music. Enough said.

Music that is bad is bad. There are examples of awful music, just like there are awful movies, awful actors, and terribly bad video-games. Saying that you enjoy it doesn't make it good. Hell, I enjoy listening to AC/DC, punk rock, and I hate myself for it, but I also enjoy MC Hammer, and they are all pretty damn awful. For god's sake, AC/DC uses the same three chord progression in most of their songs. Maybe great wasn't the best word to use there. Timeless is more toward the point that I wanted to make.

Music can be terrible music. There is no denying that. What makes humans what we are is that we can say, well fuck the Rules, I like this stuff. Personally when I hear dub-step, it sounds like nails scratching against a chalkboard. When you listen to it, you get genuine enjoyment out of it. That doesn't change the Fact that it spits in the face of music theory, like most punk rock.

If you enjoy it, that's fine. If you don't that's fine too. Citing examples of what I'm talking about isn't trying to gloat my music over yours, I Really did just want to give examples of timeless music. If you want, I can change that to Beethoven's 5th, Flight of the Valkyrie, and L'estate.