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(v) Vintage Recruitment

Toribash players who wish to be recruited into Vintage will have to post an application.

We are always looking for more members, so feel free to apply if you have even the slightest intent to join us.

Please put some decent effort into applications too, that means grammar, punctuation, and seriously if possible.


-Why you want to join Vintage-
You need to have a reason, right?

-Some facts about yourself-
Minimum 3 facts.

We would like to know our members well.

Optional, but it helps.

-Best Mods in Toribash-
What toribash mods are you best at?

Forums (1-10)
Ingame (1-10)

We need to know how active you are.

-Previous clans-
What clan(s) were you in before?

Optional, but it helps to identify you better.

-Additional Comments-*
Additional comments about yourself, final statements, anything we should know etc.

* = Optional

There is also a qi Requirement of 2000 plus a minimum of 25 posts on the forums

Applications can either be posted on here, or PM'd to TomWanks.
Please be aware that there is a Trial system in place, where you will be a Vintage Rookie for at least a week and up to a month.
During that time period you will be assessed to see if you are fit for Vintage.
In no way does this mean that all applicants become Rookies, or that all people accepted are automatically rookies.

Remember if you want to apply anonymously, then you can always PM your application to me (TomWanks).
Last edited by TomWanks; Apr 9, 2014 at 11:04 PM.