Secret Santa 2024
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uke is so persistent -_-'
more replays in following posts

I already told him he ain't getting the burger, but he keeps on bugging about it, so I had no other choice...

but to kick the stuffing outta him... and then i got a bit carried away and bashed him some more

we discusd the cheezburger alredy: this replay is one of those that are just so flawless and made out of intuition that you have no original intentions for it after which to name it. naming simply "airy combo" or something else that only broadly describes what it may be would have been a waste. so I named it into the canon started by the nograb madman that was the previous replay of this style that I came up with.
crescent kick: I've been dreaming of making a replay deserving this name for a long time, and finally I did it! I was trying for a long distance aerial punch, but it takes some getting used to, so I flew into the wrong direction, or, rather spinning on the wrong axis and wasn't able to land an upwards punch, but instead was very able to do this!
piston decap: well, this one is slightly average I quess, and the name doesn't fit it as well as it could, but every bunch needs a bit of filler.
Attached Files
1 crescent kick ..rpl (147.2 KB, 87 views)
1 piston decap.rpl (168.6 KB, 77 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Sep 29, 2008 at 07:39 PM.
I refuse to grab.
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