[B] [S] Swaves Store
Greetings and welcome to my store.
The purpose of this store is to [B] Buy and [S] art and items.
There are two sections to my store, the first one is the items section, where
I will be Selling and Buying Items.
The second section is the art where I will be Selling and Buying Art.
[B] = Buying
[S] = Selling
[C/P] = Copy + Paste
[LowBalling] = Offering to buy an item for considerably lower than the items value
[HighBalling] = Offering to sell an item considerably higher than the items value
My Account Infomation
Market Items
TC + Qi Count
Active Inventory
Deactive Inventory
Official Item Marketing Rules
- You Offer First
I will have items listed underneath
Anything! Preferred Items Listed Below! 93k to Spend!
Dq Sound
Dragon Force
You must include this information when selling me a head
- Artist
- Previous Owner
- Size (512x512, 256x256, 128x128,)
- Recolour
- Screenshots
512x512 Heads
Artist - Leonardo
Previous Owner - imapirate
Size (512x512, 256x256, 128x12
- 512x512
Recolour - Free Of Charge
Autobuy = 100k
Last edited by Swaves; Mar 2, 2014 at 03:13 PM.