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yet another one of those nostalgia threads
Hey guys, as you may or may not have noticed (most likely not), I've been on IRC and reading the forum a bit more. (Mostly old stuff because there's nothing to laugh at ironically anymore). It makes me long for the good old days when I actually talked to everybody and could remember more than two things about them. For this reason, I'm shamelessly stealing FreshPrins and xxxVelocityKasabianxxx's ideas and making an update thread. The point is to just discuss life, post how you are doing and what you've been up to since we've talked (a long, long time). I'll start with myself.

My name is Steven Beattie, known around these parts as phail, ofphailure, Steve, Steven, Australian Steve, Pete, Australian Pete, Petey Beattie and sissyboy. I've been studying at Griffith University (for all your Australians) in the capital city of my state. I live with a few friends and have heaps of friends nearby. I study a Bachelor of Business majoring in management and am really enjoying it, despite having failed one subject last semester. I still live off of government money and don't have a job but that's okay because I'd just spend money on things I don't need anyways. I still don't drink alcohol and am generally a big sissy boy. (Also I'm still as thin as a PoW) Also I still haven't taken my eyelid to the gym, as you can see beneath if you so desire.

I feel like I've contributed enough now so I'm going to stop typing things.
P.S: please feel free to drop into #sigma. I've put irc on auto-start so I should be around more often.
P.S.S: if you haven't taken the time to, I highly recommend looking at threads between page 7-10, if a thread is closed it's guaranteed to be hilarious.
lead Sigma