Opener is decent. Aided your spin with your arms well. I would have liked relaxed elbows though, they stay straight for so long.
The first has a nice slicy motion to it. Almost as if it's instagibg, no hard impact but still plenty of dms. I like that. The second hit looks like you could have gotten at least one more dm with it but it's fine that way. The head smash is nice but I'm not super big fan of ground dms.
Maybe it's your dreads but I get some nice capoeira vibes from this replay. I really like your explosive stances. Your ability to build up speed in such a short time is awesome. The landing of the first trick isn't optimal but you recover greatly from it. When I see the kick I really want to lower the engagedistance and make it a boom. That should certainly be possible. I'm not totally sure if it would take away from the clean simplistic feel of the replay though.
uke is bouncy:
Nice spin in the beginning but then you move your arms in your leg twice. Again it feels like the kick consisted only out of an extend knee motion. The problem is your left leg position at 350, you don't really have any option except to fall back and do what you did. The second kick was alot better than the first. I like how you kicked Uke to get the extra bit of height. I'm sure you could have gotten more dms out of the kick though. Nice frontkick backkick combo.
The beginning is kind of awkward you do little hits to him to keep him somehow in the air and after he flies away you suddenly turn your good replay making mode on. The kick you delivered is very nice. Love how you used your arm to pull your leg in. If you keep that style of the 2nd kick up it's definitely worth a continuation.