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Thoughts about Bitcoins/Virtual currency.
This is going to be more of a collection of thoughts and opinions, it's probably going to be messy.

When I found out about bitcoins I was really interested, the idea of money without a central government is a pretty cool idea, but it's just that, an idea. I honestly don't see any value in bitcoins, the majority of websites don't accept them and I think it's more of a fad. My views aren't all negative on it though, I like the idea that there are only about 21 million bitcoins that are mineable, after that all production stops for it. toricredits, they're worth about 7-7.5k per USD. Toricredits are only for toribash, the only reason why toricredits are worth 7-7.5k per USD is because we say it is. Toricredits are literally worthless, if we don't believe it has value it's worthless. Same with bitcoins.

So what are your thoughts on bitcoins/virtual currency and toricredits.
Last edited by Sean; Mar 20, 2014 at 12:23 AM.