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Post-Apocalyptic CYOA
Post-Apocalyptic RPG

First... it was that news flash... "The Russians have built a nuclear bomb capable of destroying the entire planet!" We tried to stop them, but we couldn't do it in time. The year is 2017, and the world has become a wasteland. I'm writing this down incase I die, and anyone else comes along. My name is Charles Danner.

Hey, i'm starting an RPG! I hope it goes well...

So, here's our stats:

HP: 100
Food: 5
Hunger: 20/100

... and our starting inventory.

Butter Knife


Some crude pieces of metal

HP goes down with certain actions and hunger.
Food goes down as Charles eats and reduces hunger.

Right now, Charles has a dirty trailer that survived the bombing. In the trailer is a bed, a few cabinets, and a mini-fridge. All the food and items are stored in the trailer. What should he do next?

A. Go outside and search for survivors. (+20 hunger)(-2 HP)
B. Go outside and search for materials. (+15 hunger)(-4 HP)
C. Search the nearby ruins and hills. (+20 hunger)(-3 HP)
D. Create your own option! (Cons are decided by me)
Last edited by Blam; Oct 14, 2008 at 07:11 PM.