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(Lux) Recruitment Center
Welcome to Lux Recruitment!

The recruitment process is not easy. If your application gets accepted you will be put through a week of training, if you are inactive for most of that entire week length you will not make it any further into the clan. This counts forum activity also. If you are active during this time. We will hope to play with you in game for some training. We will not have set times for training. You will have to come to us to train, we most likely will accept. If you do not train, you will have to be much more dedicated activity wise to leave the training rank.

Your application into Lux should be a freeform application. This includes proper grammar and, if you can help it, proper spelling. The required items in a Lux application are, your name and your IGN, (In Game Name) your age, and if you have a Skype, your Skype name. Also you should add your belt, and your best mods. Be sure to include replays those help the most with getting into the clan! (Multiplayer or Freeplay)
Have fun!
Last edited by Frosted789; Jul 22, 2014 at 12:02 AM.