[B][A][T] Buying, Auctioning, and trading some arts
Currently up for sale/trading
Artist: Dragon
Prev. owner: SuckerPunch
Min bid: 500 tc
Min Raise: 500 tc
Resolution: 128x128
Artist: FistofLife (I think)
Prev. owner: SuckerPunch
Min bid: 500 tc
Min Raise: 500 tc
Resolution: 512x512
Artist: Calamity (Killppl was his old account)
Prev. owner: Calamity
Min bid: 2000 tc
Min Raise: 500 tc
Resolution: 512x512
Prev. owner: Calamity
Min bid: 3000 tc
Min Raise: 500 tc
Resolution: 512x512
Artist: Virus17C
Prev. owner: Virus17C
Min Bid: 1000 tc
Min Raise: 500 tc
Resolution: 512x512
All autions end 24 hours after last valid bid
Note: I am only accepting tc, and other textures, nothing else. Also remember I am buying textures too.
Last edited by craftinbros; Jun 11, 2014 at 09:18 PM.