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Aw animal, that was beautiful.

About me...
I also live in Austria, like Dave. In the same town even. My real name is Matthias, Matt for short. I'm a 19 year old bloke that started playing Toribash in the summer of 2009.
Now that I think of it, I probably am not the most exciting person. I like to sit at my pc, playing games, watching shows or anime. Sometimes hanging out with Dave. Not too much other hobbies there, I guess^^
I just obtained the A-Levels in electrical engineering, but I yet have to find a job.
I like going on parties and get wasted, when I know most to all of the people. What I hate though are overly crowded discos and stuff. Those make me really feel uncomfortable.
I have a really wide range when it comes to taste in music. I like everything from Austrian Folk to Dubstep to Metal. My least favorite genre probably is mainstream pop, because it just tends to sound similar and radios overplay it.
I also am able to code stuff, because I learned some languages in school. It's fun.

In Toribash, I like to play both multiplayer and singleplayer. When I started playing i really became obsessed with this game, playing everyday, all day. That cost me a lot of good grades in school. I also took a massive break, that ended around this may.
I only ever was in one clan and it's this one. I joined here when Aeon was just formed. I already knew a bunch of guys, so it was a logical step. After a while I really got attached to this clan. When I had trouble with real life, I would just get on tb and play and chat a little with my friends.
Aeon really was and is just like a second family to me.
Last edited by threedog2; Jun 9, 2014 at 10:58 PM.
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