Secret Santa 2024
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[S]Over 1.5mil of TC

I'm selling off TC I have left. That's 1.8kk right here, 1.2kk more on Snuffbank,
if I get my access back. I am not advertising the 1.2kk on Snuffbank, just letting know. When I'm selling them, I'll transfer them here to main.

Rate: 9k/$ after the fee (9k/$ applied on amount I have after fee is taken)
Method: Paypal regular payment, which has message: <= regular payment == paying for goods 'n services

"I, <TB username> am sending this payment to buy Toribash toricredits at 9k/$ rate after the fee from you, JSnuffMARS. I authorize this payment and won't chargeback."

Sorry my English, but you basically have to c/p and fill it on sending note, as well as disable sending address when sending the payment.

WHY? With all the stupid deliberate scammer chargebacks lately, I have to. Thx to Paypal / credit cards for the loophole, joke.

What if I can't send like that? Then you're maybe a scammer, anyway, I'm strict about the payment form and if you sent without following that, I'll just refund you for 1st miss and not sell you. (Cause I can't, it doesn't work out)

What's your PAYPAL?! [email protected]

ARE YOU QUITING, JSNUFF??!: if somebody wondered it, probably no, I'll keep the account and maybe play a little some random days. However, I plan to play wayyy less and probably don't market anymore.