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[Climb]Official Recruitment Thread

Join Are #IRC

the warriors were falling down over and over,some stay down, other get back up,others go to the easy way , others go to the hard way , each one has his own style to climb to the top , we go down but never give up we fight back , we lose! , we win! ,we get back to our feet, we.... are climbers,
we all climb to our goals to our most wanted achivements to our dreams , the climbing isnt a game climbing is a way of life thats why we are here!


Co Leader






Win 5 clan wars[]
Win 10 clan wars[]
Win 15 clan wars[]
Win 20 clan wars[]
Hold an Climb Betting server[]
Hold an Climb tourney[]
Get 10k in clan bank[]
Get 30k in clan bank[]
Get 50k in clan bank[]
Get 100k in clan bank[]
Get 400k in clan bank[]
Be an active clan for 1 month[]
Be an active clan for 2 months[]
Be an active clan for 6 months[]
be an active clan for 1 year[]
be an active clan for 2 years[]
Get a Clan Video[]
Become Official[]


Clan Allies

Single Allies


Win History




The Thread Must have Replays and its must be Free Forum app
we are looking for people that:
1-Forum/in-game active
2-Tested By us
3- 3 Replays of your own Choice
4- mention (GMT+Belt+Alts+Skills+Best mods+Age+pervious clans)
5-why you want to join us
6-What we can offer you
7-What you can offer us

Each New Member will be Tested for 24 hours as a trail.
Last edited by detailed; Jul 8, 2014 at 01:43 PM.