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(Cypher) Cypher

There were 2 fighters who will go back to back killing enemies after enemies.Once in a tourney they met each other, they were furious and were destinde to win.Trading blows they went on the steps of Victory they went, after the match got draw , they thought of having a clan. The Ice King Subzero said "Shall we make a clan, that would be Impossible to defeat, almost inevitable" The Furious Clan was born in such way . Now those two are destined to defeat team after team , just like their fury in tourney.

1 ) Listen to the Leaders
2 ) Respect everyone (including the other clans that you do not like , we don't care if you don't like a clan .
3 ) If you don't post in forums somewhat often you will be kicked
4 ) Do not spam the forums ,IRC or anywhere
5 ) Have fun and do not goof around .This is serious

Subz3ro3 SilverCenturion

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Last edited by SKITZOFRENIK; Jul 20, 2014 at 09:25 AM.