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3 ways to improve controllabitity
(1) allowing players to redefine keys, especially allow seperate keys for contracting and extending, and keys for holding and relaxing.

it is really annoying when i play with my laptop and keeping press Z twice for each joint i want to contract, and sometimes i just miss them cause the time limit is coming and i need to rush the pressing.. the same thing happens to a lot of people who is yelling "missclicked" in games.....why couldn't it be four different keys and we can do it more precisely.

(2) providing a fixed small 2D tori at some corner of the screen, with joints that can be easily clicked;

i saw too many times that my tori bending into a twisted posture, with limbs cross over each other and it is hard to click on the joint i want to change. rotating camera repeatly is not necessary for the core gameplay i guess.

(3) providing several slots to store previously inputted joints-status, which is most useful to carry out some complex openers;
i've been often heard, especially in a tourney, that sb. says they didn't finish their opener. this kind of mistakes are also familiar to me when i try some new openers.