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(Eternal) Recruitment center!

Hello Toribashers far and wide! are you looking for a clan full of skilled and respectful players? If so then you've come to the right place. At Eternal we focus on loyalty and respect, each and every member of this clan is there for one another at any time.

If you wish to join the family please post your application in free-form format. The more time you take on your application will affect your chances of getting in! Some examples of bad applications are these:

Examples go here!

Anyone who posts applications like these will be used as examples of what you should not post as an application. (It's very annoying)

Before you post please read these few rules we have established:
1. No overly short applications, if you really want in you should take time writing your app.

2. Please do not post offensive comments or cause trouble within the thread, you will be banned and/or blacklisted.

3. Please do not post an application if you are under the required belt of brown. You are more likely to get in if you are second dan or higher, or if you have a good reputation with members inside the clan
Last edited by lane12345; Oct 5, 2014 at 04:02 PM. Reason: 420