Secret Santa 2024
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(AurVex) Recruitment

Here you're able to apply for AuRa-Dexterity , a new clan wanting to get new players to join and have fun in wars and tourneys in general. If you're struggling at a mod or some moves or if I'm struggling at a mod or some moves we could help each other out. In this clan you can fricken yolo because I'm not that strict with the requirements so far.

Application Includes:
(Drakomako example of app)
Name: Drakomako (or Drak)

Age: 13 years old

Country: England

Belt: Black

Time playing tori: 2 months

Why you want to join: I made the clan (this part plzz write a good paragraph)

Previouse clans you were in:
(MoEnergy) Monster Energy, (Rampage) Rampage

Most played mod: Mushu, Aikido, Ninjitsu, Judo

Favourite mod: Mushu, Aikido

Blue belts and above may join our clan at this point in time.....

Last edited by Drakomako; Aug 25, 2014 at 03:24 AM.