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Outlast DLC, taken too far??
Ok, I love watching pewdiepie play survival horror games. I am always to scared to play them (except a few) so I watch pewdiepie play them. He played a really scary game called outlast, a survival hooro game set in a mental hospital. So it was scary, but a really good game. And then, a DLC for outlast came out!! I was pretty excited, and began watching.

It was all normal, super gory, super disturbing. Just like the original. But then, some really messed up stuff happened. You enter a kitchen, to see human body parts cooking, exploding in the microwave, and a man, eating a guy. You also see a basket ball court, with the net stuffed with corpses. You literally watch a guy jack off onto a bunch of dead bodies.

The list goes on.... but then. The most messed up, weirdest thing happened.

warning really disturbing and gory

It's just the first 3 minutes of this video, but seriously. How do people come up with this stuff?? BTW pewdiepie put up that censor.

Do you guys think this game went too far??

Please share your opinions.