If a car gets all of its parts replaced, is it the same car?
So, this is a common thought experiment. Known as the
Ship of Theseus if you fancy, at its core it poses a simple question.
If something get's all of its components replaced, to the point where none of the original remains, is it still the same thing?
While there's likely isn't a single correct answer to this question. I'd like to hear what you think about the problem posed.
Are there cases where it's the same to you? Cases where it isn't? If you have a general answer to this question, what is it?
I'll add in my own thoughts later. But first, some of you might be wondering why this question matters at all in the first place.
Personally, I feel it is a question that is asked whenever we become attached to something that has such changes.
Objects of course can undergo such changes. But other, more abstract things such as sports teams and cultural societies can as well.
In my opinion, it is reasonable to question if something one has become attached to is truly the same, after such changes have occurred
Last edited by GoodBox; Sep 7, 2014 at 01:24 PM.
Reason: such changes...