Secret Santa 2024
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My Comic.
I'm working on a full-on 100 issue comic, so some of what's been done is up there. I've sold about 50, if anyone wants a copy, I just got fired so I must subsist on piddling donations.

Piddling donations being $5 AUS per issue.

Anyway, check out the art, if you like it, I am proud to say that it maintains that quality for the entire issue, each issue.

Also, when you send $10 AUS, you get a little extra.
I spent an entire 72 hours making the damn thing into a flash movie, music, sounds, gratuitous noises of pain included. So yeah, you get comic, flash, and a few desktop wallpapers, if you wish.

Paypal is:

[email protected]

*EDIT* I was fired for tossing knives in the fruit and veg department.
My aim is precise, my hand is steady. And my boss is a mindless, fun sucking drone. Ok, so I was training in case if someone tries killing me or something, I can put a steak knife through their kneecap. So what?
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU