Secret Santa 2024
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Leaving mid match/Force ping. Can we fix this already?
Say you're playing in a Tourny.
You beat someone fairly.
And they decide to rage quit and or Force ping.
Therefore you are forced to fight someone else.
Say you fight someone who is afk.
They get put in the spectators.
And you win.

These need to be switched.

I don't know if it's hard to do this in Lua or programming or what ever, But you need to work on this over Changing the tournys and changing small details to polish the game.

I know this has went on for a while and I'm sure a shit ton of people already stated this.

This isn't a game breaking bug. But it's annoying as hell.
Last edited by BANG; Oct 25, 2014 at 09:31 PM. Reason: Misplaced text.