(TPR) The Professional Revolution Recruitment Centre
The Rules:
1. Be respectful to all members, if you have an issue notify a leader.
2. Activity is a must, if you're going to be inactive notify a leader.
3. All wars will be managed by the Leaders and War Managers.
4. Members, of all ranks, should feel obligated to donate to the TPRVault.
5. At least 10 words per forum post
6. Try to post on the forum at least once a day!
Detail Is Required
To apply for the clan please fill out this application form and post it below:
Your Best Mods:
Best Ingame Ability:
Previous Clans:
In-game Activity (1-10):
Forum Activity (1-10):
Why do you want to join?!:
Special Skills (PS, Tex's, Graphics, etc.):
About yourself:
Last edited by RussD3x; Dec 1, 2014 at 06:56 PM.
Reason: Post Edit