Secret Santa 2024
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Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
"Middle class should move to 'higher class' jobs or 'middle class' jobs that can't be outsourced."

That's all well and great, but there's only so many jobs. When your export-oriented industries go 'poof' and you're left with all these unemployed people, aside from those jobs that you've just lost, there's still the same amount of jobs out there - it drains the labour pool. You have less jobs for the same amount of people. Telling them they should get better jobs doesn't change that.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I believe it should be obvious, but by arguing against your 'evidence' I was putting forth that "the evidence is arguable".

Really? You must know something Gina Rinehart doesn't. I bet your understanding of the dynamics of economics and international relations is far deeper than hers. You're really smart!

Okay, last chance Pig. Watch the video below (and pt. 2), take a gander online, researching points you're unclear or curious about, and after you've done all that, come back and tell me that I'm lying about globalisation.