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Art Appraisal Megathread & Official Buying, Selling & Trading Megathread.
Those would be Very Useful and Convenient Threads and would Reduce Clutter. The Official Buying, Selling & Trading Megathread wouldn't replace the Items Sub-Forum but instead would be an Alternate way of Buying, Selling & Trading Items kinda like a Quick Market and people could just check there if they're looking to Buy something Real Quick They could even make ads like Buying Amethyst Force for example so that Sellers could just check there for Quicksales. Same thing for Trading and Selling, they could just Post an Advertisement there and boom Quicksale And if they don't wanna check there all the time they can say to PM them if they're interested on the Offer/Ad. They could also put Multiple Methods in one Post, let me demonstrate:Looking for Amethyst Force, willing to Trade it for something I have in my Deac or Buy it for TC, my TC budget is around 500TC but I am willing to haggle. PM if interested. And they could also say Non-Negotiable if they have a Fixed Price and there could be an Official Rule against trying to Negotiate against a Non-Negotiable Offer/Ad and could be Enforced by Warning then Infracting on 2nd Offense. And the Art Appraisal thing would help a lot of People and could have Senior Art Experts such as Calamity Appraising Art and Sets so that they get their money's worth for the Art or Set they made, not to mention less Art Appraisal Threads on the Rapid Threads Sub-Forum. Thanks for listening.
Note:The Official Buying, Selling & Trading Megathread is all one Thread not Individual ones. Just wanted to clarify that ;)

Response Ready for When Someone Says that Everyone's Opinion is Different on the Value of Art and Sets and it's Only Worth what it's Worth to the Specific Buyer.

Last edited by Merc; Dec 11, 2014 at 10:31 PM.
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