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Originally Posted by cos2x View Post
Does clan activity (wars etc.) imply paying or risking any TCs? What is omega bank? How and when can I participate in a clan war? How do these wars look like (who chooses the mod, can mod be changed during war etc.)?

Sorry for these lame questions, but I'm new to this clan thing, and I want to get involved and help you guys ASAP.

Um it depends,some events may cost some tc from our members,because my Aces' are my some sort helpers,or any member that helps me with the clan events..No risking Tc,and js if we were to charger some tc for entering the event wont cost much at all,our most prize would be like 500tc,but it depends on which event we are doing..But the wars cost no TC,unless we do a war with tc but we would ask to donate for it or we use the clan bank tc,which we need more donations to get up our goals..We could war in any mod but it depends on if the other clan agrees but the mod most wars are played on is ABD...About contact I will figure something out,but other than that,look for the server we are warring in or /pm me.
The Roulettes'