(TEKKEN) The King Of Iron Fist Tournament
Цели клана:
Привлечение 10 членов (10)
30k в клан-банке
50k в клан-банке
150k в клан-банке
Выиграйте 10 войн
Стать официальным
Правила Клана:
-Не спамить
-Быть более общительным и адекватным.
-Стараться выполнять просьбы старших по званию.
-Если вам что не понятно обратитесь к лидеру, они помогут.
-Ношение формы клана, текстурка на правый бицепс обращаться за повязкой
Правила подачи заявки в клан.
В заявке должно содержаться ваши данные и тд.
чтоб знать кто вы есть.
Не обязательно писать заявку в свободном виде.
Можно просто так:
1. Имя.
2. Город (это уже по собственому желанию)
3. В каких кланах состояли.
4. Чем заинтересовал наш клан.
5. Причина вступления в него.
Мы имеем группу в телеграмме.
Если вы хотите присоединиться обратитесь
There once was a great clan called Tekken . They had a powerful and kind master Voljnij777. Tekken lived in a peaceful world, they had the best warriors on the planet, but then some kind of creature was born.
It was unstoppable. It was The Darkness! The Darkness infected the greatest Tekken students, who killed all the clan members. The master had to fight his best student to save the planet and avenge the murdered students. But The Dark Creature was no match even for the strongest one. After fighting with The Darkness Voljnij777 barely survived. He lost everything.
Master started training to avenge the dark creature, But one day he met a few young teenagers. They were cold and hungry, tired and scared. They were scared of the chaos that the Dark times brings. These teenagers lost their homes families and friends and from that day master adopted and started training them. A few years of hard training, the boys turned into great warriors. Master was happy. But by mentioning the dead students they created a new clan, a new clan called TEKKEN.The new TEKKEN clan! From that moment another great clan was born, who wanted to defeat Darkness and live in peace. The family was born.
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--==Clan Bank==--
Last edited by Obake; Jul 31, 2018 at 03:19 PM.
Reason: Added Cards