Secret Santa 2024
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Ap classes yes or no?
I'm currently a freshman in high school so here's the deal,

So, my uncle lets people into med school, teaches med school and is a doctor. He says that Ap classes may actually hurt my gpa, but I know that they actually raise your gpa. However he knows more about this then I do, and I really respect his opinion. I have had straight a's all my life, without studying well (which I plan to start doing if I take an Ap class). Many people are telling me that I should take Ap courses, and others, not just my Uncle say I shouldn't. I'm new to this so I decided to post here, because I some members of this community are in college and are very smart. Also I do believe I am ready for an Ap class I just want to get the most out of my classes so I can have a good gpa.