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Originally Posted by Shayu View Post
Greetings from candyland-
I'll keep my application in same order as the actual form for it, but it'll be somewhat freeform anyway.
My name sucks so everyone I know calls me Shayu or Aiko, I'm a mediocre rainbow flavored diarrhea sized icecream cone. I draw alot and I'm a huge nerd, I am yet to post art to the forums though.
Anyway, I'm a somewhat newer member to the community that seems to have gotten very very far in a short time, I'll stop here to exclude the bragging. I'm super active on forums considering I check in once every two hours at minimum. 8.5/10... It's something else for being ingame, as I'm not as active there, yet I still seem to play everyday. (Except the last two, I'm vacating.) but on a daily basis, 7! I would actually want you guys to keep track of your buddy-list ingame tomorrow, because I'll be in-game most of the day there. Oh and, my GMT is +1 ^^
I spend alot of time replay making, as it seems to be a bigger ambition alongside with competetive play. I constantly read tutorials and seek knowledge, and thus has gotten me far as I discovered the forums very early. I suggest you look at my replay thread and judge from there, if not, catch me tomorrow.
This is it for my application, Cheers!

Wow just Wow. I think this might almost be better than my application. I say YESSS!!!!!!!
My name is bobby. I am a bobb. One day I woke up, and I decided to be a jilll. It didn't go well. I have since then remained a Bobb.