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(le) le

Bluntly staring out at the horizen, I see a pointed object in the shape of a swirl.
As it makes its way closer, I clench my fist as my first instict is danger.
A male face begins to form as his head covers the sunlight from my eyes.
It's a french man, and he asks "where are le bagels?"
I point to my left and give a nod. He see's the bagels and is gone within a blink.
As I get up, I see two people, a chap with a pumpkin on his head and someone lurking behind.
Whilst my left eyebrow raises, I look it in the eyes through his pumpkin cut-out. Black stares back.
I ask of his name and he replies "grim bagel."







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Last edited by Donkey; Jun 2, 2015 at 11:22 PM.
father of philip scone