Secret Santa 2024
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Regarding Tolerance
I see so many intolerant groups of people promoting tolerance, it's become a bit of a joke to me.

What is tolerance to you? If you promote tolerance, you promote tolerance for everyone, regardless of their beliefs, even if their beliefs are intolerant. I constantly hear this out of the LGBT/Feminist movements in particular, where the only form of tolerance being pushed for is tolerance for them. Very often, these people promoting tolerance suggest that it should be illegal to disagree with them. It's dumbfounding to me, so I'm wondering if people's concept of tolerance differs.

One of my favorite arguments for the form of tolerance I suggest is this, John Locke's "A Letter Concerning Tolerance", which concerns an issue similar to many plaguing our society, a couple hundreds of years ago which was solved relatively amicably.

So, again, what is tolerance and to who does it apply? If it doesn't apply to everyone, what is the precedence for intolerance towards a group?