Three Words Story Games
I'm sure you will know this game, so you will know the rules too.
So let me to start this.
One day, there
was a kid named
One day, there was a kid named Kaito, the ugly boy. Since his parent fucked in bed with kakajade and his guitar he moved to another city to find the liquor's war dancer. Finally he met EvoSoda and Fairfang, the greatest and stronger than him. EvoSoda followed by Fang asking him how big his butt was to compare it with his, however he declined it. Then he got eaten after they rape him. He then decided to cut off his penis. Though it was fun that he could suck his penis. He would do everything for you, but you didn't. He feels so passionate about dicks and big boobs that he could become a shemale, But Kaito didn't Have a big dicks and big boobs, so kaito asked evosoda to learn english at jade's house. But their english and ingame skill were so bad that they couldn't beat jade's skill. Kaito then said "I wish i had my penis grew big again" so i could worship someone like Rot3ex, because he teaches gay sex ,so does jdawg since 1833 ago.
Once upon a time, there was a sheep and fox raping and pillaging my mom, I asked kakajade for help, but he said no. Now my mom is not horny anymore because someone who fucked her is evosoda. Evosoda planned on my family to fuck alot again until my sister finally has her powers back .Then a pedophile came and raped Kaito at his home. Kakajade stopped him but, he's too late, Kaito's virginity is gone. Now only kakajade who has his pinnaple ripped off can save the young ugly pure's virginity and his. Every hot girl have been taken by papa franku. Now they leave the town to restore Kaito's soul and virginity. Kaito is normal at the first and he is handsome boy too. But that was a big liar because he fucked alot of granny on. Then beer was there for a long time.
Kaito, Kakajade, and Mr.T fell down the stairs after getting sucked into a girl's womb to fulfill their happiness. After that, they trying to solve watermagic's math problem, so he won't get bad grades.So they decided to hire a teacher named Bichi-sensei so they can continue their plan to help him. They got 69% on their sex aggressive status result. So they are a bit softcore guy. So they tried to change their heart with love. But they need to drink a bottle of purified seaman. They are going to train and learn Kaito's playing style. They watch an anime with "h" genre,they enjoyed it. So they started with waifu love until their dicks reach the maximum .Their waifu's exploded because of thesize of the waifu's. So they can't fuck little waifu's. So they leave and moved to Japan to get Sextoys from a sexstore. They got spanked by the readers because of area. They moved to Belgium .
Once there was a little rat who got his aids from a trouse, and went to a lake to met with Kaito to have sexual advances. "Firetruck's animations". That's what an awkward moment when you saw Holo and Kakajade having a relationship and changing their avatar and signature. Jade never had a girlfriend before like we did. Kakajade and Holo started to sharing their relationship experience and phone number, they love eachother and always together, Until the day they got married and had a first kid, named Holotor the gentleman. "What the fuck" they said when the reader started to read this and then accidently built a shelf near local bar while someone is trying to get a bottle of liquor to drink. Jade started to getting lost-interest from loving his wife. He was drunk in the bar, not kidding, really fall into the pussy and died.
One year ago a mlg quickscoper came to localbar annoyed saying "I raped your mom twice a day, just so i throw doritos to her lovely room" so I just stalk him from behind without him knowing that I love him since I fucked his butt when we got high as fuck with Hampa talking to my mother about his face. The next day the mlg quickscoper want money to buy cigarettes and a bottle of cold Corona for only 100 chromosomes and then he realized his marijuana was stolen by fishy fish niblets and drunker gang whooped his ass once a day to make him look like a gentleman like Kaito. Then one day emoteen12 ask him to stop manta from hacking the porn website on before he being addicted with fapping together with KillaPone and Raiken. Then a wild of the forest appered, it was pikachu rapping 2pac! Who knew Tupac is fapping master in the bar with his son on saturday evening. He knew that his body is going to orga-...Wait...Tupac's dead. -Hell no bitches, he is too sexy to die so RIP Tupac.
Once upon a time, a time before we killed the time. The time was the wrong time. This is why I was scared of the time that I killed. However, one time we realized that my panties were not on me. Where could they ask him to slip through tight pink panties at this time with slim dicks of great quantity? Maybe if I ate some dicks i'd think time by Pink Floyd would be proud of where this piece of shit resides right now.
Once upon the the the the, there was a shitty stuttering robot who who who likes to do the do do. He did did the boom boom because hes retarded.Then one day he was smart. but but but he he he still stutters like your mom when she she she did some sex of the oral in front of the kid orphanage. Raping women is legal at bar except our bar because we're chivalrous, chivalrous we're because Money sucks ass. So I started stick my cock apparently Russian now. My grammar sucks but english is even worse than my cute dick.Meanwhile, Kaito also fucked a child in the ass so damn hard he was arrested. His asshole gaped and im retarded. We need money, because he's thot just like a little someone specially educated from detroit packin a pistol. So, we initiate a foreplay session with a glock and cuckoo clocks dick kicked rocks up in iraq but ossama saw my pink pantsu. This story's shit. what
Last edited by Kaito; Apr 14, 2019 at 02:00 PM.