(Bomb) The Bomb Squad
Bombs Away!
It happened... The Day The Fuse Ran Out. As if a tornado had come through the clan, except it hadn't been any kind of storm. It was a bomb. We freaked out, we had lost many great fighters that day. Everyone tried to step up and lead, but many of them stepped down when a man named skeez88 had decided to lead the group. Krulls, an ally of our's, heard the news and came quickly to help us recover.
Krulls hired new workers to help rebuild the group. In almost no time at all, we recovered. We changed our ways and stepped up to the challenge. There was no messing around at this point because we as a clan, as a family, had been through it all. This, is Bomb. And this, is our story...
Bombs Away!
General Rules
1. Always respect other members of this clan, and other Toribash players
2. Listen to what others have to say.
3. Never use racism or discrimination while playing Toribash.
4. Be kind, and have fun.
5. We will now be implicating a new "Point System". The way it works is anytime a member breaks a rule a leader will be notified and you will get a point against your name and a PM from a leader informing you of the point. If you get another point within 30 days you will be kicked from the clan.
Clan thread Rules
1. All members must be forum active and try to check it as often as they can.
2. If you do not post within a week, you will be put on the inactive list. No posts in the next two days, resolve in being kicked.
3. All posts must contain more than ten words. We do not want spam filling up our thread.
4. post kindly, and often. And again, no racism or discrimination.
5. Trials may not participate in certain clan events. (See leader or council for details)
6. Any "nonsense" added to the end of a sentence to avoid the 10 word rule is now considered spam and the user that has posted this spam will be given a point against their name.
7. We do not accept Toribash players who have alts in other clans. We require all members to have clan-less alts.
Must have lots of experience previously in a role as leader or co-leader. Extremely good in wars, and great forum activity. These members have the power to edit the clan thread, start wars, and send invites.
Council Members
These are the members to follow. They are the perfect members, being forum active everyday, threats in wars, and always including there ideas to better the clan. They have the power to invite, and to start wars.
War Masters
In this rank members will be able to start there own wars. This rank will only be given to members who have proven them self in wars by winning frequently, as well as shown maturity during war servers.
Members who are always voting on apps and are giving appropriate mature votes. Can be trusted to send invites. As they have shown there maturity in-game in recruitment servers. These members have the power to send invites.
Senior Members
Members who have shown there devotion and loyalty toward Bomb Squad. Members who we can trust, and have shown there skill and expertise in wars .
The majority of Bomb Squad members will rest in this rank. The members rank is for members who have impressed us with their application, as well as passing the trial period successfully. These members will need to stand out in forum activity as well as being threats to other clans in wars to become a senior member.
Trial Members
Not full members yet. Have passed the application stage. Every move will be analyzed carefully to see if they are deserved of becoming a full member. Forum activity as well as in-game activity will result in becoming full members
Recruit 5 members [X]
Recruit 10 members [X]
Recruit 20 members [X]
Win 5 clan wars [X]
Win 10 clan wars [X]
Win 30 clan wars [X]
Become a top 30 ranked clan [X]
Become a top 10 ranked clan [X]
Become the number 5 ranked clan [X]
Become a top 3 ranked clan [ ]
Become the number 1 clan [ ]
10K in the clan bank [X]
30K in the clan bank [X]
50K in the clan bank [X]
100K in the clan bank [X]
Have a clan video [ ]
Apply for official [X]
Become official [ ]
Bank Admins: Dionysis, Lotramus
Artwork and Clan Page Design by Krulls
And Story Made By Sqynt
Last edited by Bombank; Apr 5, 2016 at 07:25 PM.