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(Striker) Recruitment center

Welcome... This as you know already is the Striker recrutment center!
Want to join? Well you have to fill out an application. To apply fill out the needed info as listed below and then post it and then send a copy to Jacklox2.

Info that is needed: (fill out everything or post will be ignored)

Previous clan (only put if applies to you):
Why you left said clan(only put if applies to you):
Real name(Don't have to put):
First language:
Why do you want to join the clan(you need a well written paragraph explaining why):
What can you contribute to the clan(you need something):
(Part two from question above) Why can this contribution help the clan:
What belt are you:
How do you act be honest:
In a well constructed Paragraph explain why we should accept you. Really sell yourself make us want to accept you:
How often do you play:
How often are you on the forums:
What are your hobbies other than video games and obviously Toribash:
What mods are you best at:
Replays(don't need them but they can only help):

,Thank you for filling out and application hope to see you in the clan!

P.s. Don't forget to send a copy to Jacklox2
Last edited by KDigityDog; Jun 15, 2015 at 08:57 PM.
|Jacklox2| |Frost| |MrBeany| |Nugget| |Sheetboy| xFIRExGAME |