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(╭ರᴥ•́) <=Gentleman | Sir Realism=> (╭ರᴥ•́)
Q: How many Puerto Ricans does it take to change a car battery?
A: There are three cookies left.

Alright, so I'm moving some of my replays over from my other thread, dubbed "Suit Up", to here. I'm going to use this thread for any "realistic" replays I make and keep general destruction replays over in my old thread.

Tags are titled accordingly:

[t] - tricking
[p] - parkour
[s] - sparring

Constructive criticism is strongly encouraged (but you can always butter me up and make me feel like less of a failure)

Let's start off simple, eh? First two replays are/were my first attempt at tricking (if you haven't already seen it on my other thread); third is something I just whipped up after half an hour in SP.

I'm having a little difficulty adjusting to a new gravity setting as I'm more familiar w/ -9.XX. Any tips for better movements would be great (:
Attached Files
#Gentleman [t] - Back-kick.rpl (123.8 KB, 23 views)