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First of all, I'm going to be hard on you here. Not because I'm angry, or I don't like you. Only because I think you can take a bit of criticism and I think you want to be the best person you can. I want you to understand why my vote is staying as a no, and I why I want you to come back later and apply again.

I see a lot of my younger self in you. I was the same way you were, always wanting to make people laugh and see people happy. I understand how that is. But when your main purpose in life is to make people happy, you become a doormat for others. You just let other people do as they wish without regards for your feelings. Now maybe I don't quite understand you as a person yet, and maybe this isn't the case for you. But I know that when I was your age with that mentality, I had no backbone. I couldn't stand up for myself, and I just conformed to the people around me. Which can be a useful skill, like Zelda said, but not when it defines your character.

Overall man, I like you. I just don't think you're ready for the clan yet. I do want to talk to you more, get to know you better. I might be completely misjudging you. Stick around the irc, stay a bit more active on the forums, and try another application in a month or so. We aren't going anywhere.
League of Legends NA: Locus