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Unconquered Death Recruiting

So the recruitment is consisted off of 2 phase
Each phase has its own importance,and you must complete both of these phases in order to join the unconquered death(invictus mortalis).

Conversation Phase
You and I are gonna have a chat about a specific topic... rest is just a secret.
In-game Test
If I know you, this won't happen... Its just an ingame test to see your style of playing and what type of mod you are good at, in order to check, when to send you in the wars.
How do I join?
You must make it free form, and it should consist; Age, Gender, Class(Belt),Ingame activity out of 10, Forum activity out of ten, What will you bring to this clan, Why iMortal. Try to make it inadequate .
Last edited by SKITZOFRENIK; Apr 30, 2015 at 01:45 AM.
I'm a wordsmith cursed with verses and the worst shit.
A vile winged wicked bird who no one lurks with.