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Caveisier's Lazy Drawing Showcase
Just realized that I still not make a drawing thread in this forum, so here they go!

Hi there, in this thread I'm gonna show you some of my drawings. Mostly I draw in generic anime moe blbalba!@^#& style drawing, but I like to discover and learn another style too like painting, semi realism or realism, the styles which I really adored. Since I own a graphic tablet I rarely draw using traditional media, but sometimes I like to doddle some sketch too using pencil especially when I can't use PC to draw. I like to draw original stuff since I can freely draw it without worry about the out of character drawing or something like when you draw a fan art, but sometimes it took me a long time to thinking about the design pose and other things what to draw. Like what the title said, Lazy, actually I'm really lazy at drawing. Sometimes I only draw one or a couple finished drawings per month because I'm too lazy to start drawing, I don't know why. Oh, about the tool I used, mostly I use PaintTool SAI for drawing, but sometimes I use Photoshop too if I need to put some shape, effect or text since SAI not support that features.

Ok, so here some of my recent and old drawings.

Drinking milk is good for you!


Actually just a random idea, I was trying to design a melee weapon that have a booster on it. So while swinging the weapon you can activate the booster to increase your momentum.


Trying to make a moe anthropomorphism of my tori.


Painting practice. The face looks weird I think.


Fan art Eye of Cthulhu from Terraria.


Although collosal creature, especially under water really scared me, I really like it.


One of my favourite video game character when I was a kid, Sir Daniel Fortesque.


Feel free for CnC, it really appreciated since mostly I realized my mistake on a drawing after a long long time I finished the drawing.

Thank you!
Last edited by cats; Nov 15, 2016 at 07:57 PM. Reason: tagged
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