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[SOLVED] Hampa has some explaining to do... game design document
So out of complete boredom I decide to browse the game's files to see if there is anything interesting and these are the discoveries...

(I haven't seen these anywhere else which is why I am posting it)

There is a different version of the game called toribashSP with no Multiplayer selection on the menu. Instead it is the mod maker. I'm guessing this is a debug version of the game.

There's a music folder that has a short looping song not used in the game.

Also, there is an Extra Content folder with all sorts of stuff, including this:

(Copied straight from TORIBASH Game Design Document)



TORIBASH characters can select power-ups and alternative modes. The power-ups mostly control the collision physics. The alternate modes control feature of the bodyparts.

Alternative Limb Modes

HANDS - Grip mode will make the hands grip on collision with other player.
FEET - Heavy mode will increase the mass of the feet. This helps standing up after a fight is finished.
TORSO - Syrup mode will slow down the rotations and help body come to a stop.
+ More to come.

The players can select a special power-up for his player. The following power-ups exist.
SUPER TORQUE - The next contact with other player will super multiply any torque available.
SUPER FORCE - Same as Super-torque but with force variable.
BOUNCY - Player will turn into rubber and bounce everything off easily.
STATUE - Player will turn into stone.
REVERSE - All forces will be reversed.
STOP - All forces will come to a stop.
TIMESHIFT - Selected player's physics will run at half speed.

Sooo... What is all this extra stuff, will it be done, and when?